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Komi - The Human Connector

Writer: CandleCandle

Meet Komi our very first Hidden Hero(ine)! An affectionate, bubbly and easygoing individual. She possesses this innate larger than life personality that resonates. Read on to find out how her volunteering journey has evolved and made her who she is today. An agent of change and an impressive human connector.

1. Why the social good space?

Being good and being real can be truly powerful. The social good space allows those qualities to surface. I feel that we sometimes underestimate how much of a difference we can make for someone. E.g. A smile for someone, an encouraging word, just listening - How often do we enter conversations with the intention to hear instead of to respond/advice? I think that being on the journey of awareness contributes to creating the kind of space we want. I believe that all of us can contribute and empower those who are around us/in our circles to be who they want to be. Everyone are agents of change, in our own way.

2. What’s your story?

Interesting question. My story is an accumulation of several days of making choices accompanied by thinking and doing, just like anyone else’s. It’s marked by inner turbulence, disappointment and grief too. I opt to see that it’s also a journey that’s been supported by plenty of love and encouragement from family, friends and well-wishers.

3. What was the event that led you to volunteer?

My first memory of volunteering is when my Uncle (whom I address as my Peripa) brought me to a festival. The festival was held for folks who carry pots of milk to as offerings to deities they believed in, typically barefoot and under the scorching sun. I was about 7 years old and was put in-charge of a ‘Cold Buttermilk’ station along the route, with my Peripa helping me out to hand out drinks to the devotees. I remember losing the stirring spoon in the tank of icy buttermilk and dropped drinks from the tank to the table to place the drinks due to sheer clumsiness and the memory sticks because I was terrified of being in crowds.

As the day went on, I got better at serving the drinks and eventually, I felt the stress of being surrounded by people ebb away. Thinking back, I felt useful for being able to do something for someone else.

It piqued my interest enough to start asking myself what I can do to help, whenever I could and that was the start of my volunteering journey. It's become a habit now, over several events, projects and countries. I’ve realised in my mid-late 20s that I receive so much more than what I give. Guidance, love, support, are just to name a few of the invaluable gains.

4. Was there any experience that impacted you?

From listening to stories of my grandparents keeping the doors of their home and hearts open to anyone in need, to observing how my parents and family grew through hardships, being mocked at school, having someone believing in me, learning how to be with people who were grieving the loss of a parent or a sibling, learning how to carry a newborn in Nepal while their parent’s hosted my friends and I in their mud-house, listening to parents’ of disabled children sharing with me what they are most afraid of, holding the space for others to be, having others holding the space for me to be…it all adds up.

It’s been and still is an accumulation of experiences that bring me closer to the core of what is or isn’t working, adjusting to the reality of what is.

5. When were you most satisfied or feel like you impacted something?

I feel like I have added value when I know that I’ve done my best in any given situation. If someone is propelled to think about their own "Why" or "What" and continue the conversation by asking what's next. Through this, I feel like I have planted a seed or in your words, lighted a candle. How the said seed will grow, I am unable to tell. And, therein lies the beauty of potential, hope and evolution.

6. Use a word/phrase to describe your social good journey?

Head to heart.

7. What do you think is your superpower?

I needed help with this one. This is what my friend thinks my superpower is: “Komi’s superpower is striking a connection with others, caring for their hearts and sharing a good laugh with others.”


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